Make sure you do not let your card expire. If your card is going to expire in the next 30-60 days, submit your recertification paperwork now. It is the patient’s responsibility to have their Lackey Clinic Card renewed by the expiration date. RENEW YOUR CARD If Your Lackey Card Expires: You cannot schedule or attend appointments You cannot refill or pick up medications Appointments are canceled 2 weeks prior if you have not renewed by then Submit Your Paperwork in One of the Following Ways: Email them to Drop them off at the Clinic during business hours Fax them to 757-369-3821 Attn: Eligibility If you have questions, you can contact the Eligibility Department at 757-886-0608 ext. 252 (Se habla español: ext. 253). Documents Required Photo ID Proof of residency such as: A current bill or bank statement with recent date Current lease agreement Proof of income for everyone in the household (spouses, children, parents or other family members claimed on the taxes): If employed: 1 month worth of recent paystubs If unemployed: Unemployment award letter If no income: notarized letter of support, supporter’s proof of address (if living with supporter), and supporter’s taxes If self-employed/paid in cash (files taxes): Schedule C, notarized daily earnings sheet, notarized employer letter Other proof of income including statements of social security, retirement, SSI, child support, or alimony Most recent 1040 tax form if taxes were filed Signed Patient Attestation: click here to complete Recertification Requirements Medical FPL 2023 Chart Your yearly income based on family size must be at or below the chart levels. You must have no medical insurance or be eligible for Medicaid, Medicare, or Veterans benefits. You must still live in Virginia. You must be 18 years of age or older. Questions? Contact: Amber Martens Director of Eligibility and Community Outreach 757-886-0608 ext. 252